4IRW * The Fourth Industrial Revolution in the World, 4IR, 4irw, Industry 4, Health, Education,
Food, Clothes, Footwear, Drones, Robots, Home, Industrial, Robots, Agricultural, Smart, City,
Internet, Things, IoT, 5G, Gadgets, Electric, Vehicle, Solar, Wind, Water, Hydrogen, Water,
Battery, Air, Earth, Water, Big, Data, Cybersecurity, Finance, Artificial, Intelligence,
AI, Quantum, VR, AR, Blockchain, 3D, Scanner, Food, Construction, Details, Clothes,
construction, organs, Telescopes, Materials, Technologies, Info, Services, Biotech,
Nanotech, Infotech, Humans, Robots, Electronics, Energy, Ecology, printing, Space, World
Silicon Valley Is Reviving the Dream of General-Purpose Humanoid Robots